The Union for Senior Services, VALLI, is a national non-profit umbrella organization for the care of elderly. VALLI is founded in 1953. The organization has approximately 60 member associations around Finland, which serve about 20 000 older people with 2000 professionals.
VALLI works actively in co-operation with its member associations and professionals towards a welfare society where everyone can grow up and grow old in harmony.
We work for and with older women and men to achieve policy change, involvement of the elderly and interaction between generations. Due to our experience of 70 years, we have both the recognition and the proven ability to reach and influence high-level politicians and decision-makers in Finland.
VALLI organises projects to support the involvement of senior citizens in service development and policy-making and to develop their knowledge of technology. VALLI also encourages the interaction between generations and strives to increase young people’s interest in working in the field.
VALLI is a member organisation of HelpAge International.
VALLI is financed by STEA (Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations).
The VALLI Gerontechnology Centre is a centre of expertise which assembles and shares information as well as coordinates useroriented development related to technology for the older people.
The Trainee Initiative for Caring for the Older People promotes cross-generational work life by enhancing youth participation in elderly care.
The Elderly Care Outreach Network provides practical support and help for local and regional actors already conducting or initiating outreach work within elderly care.
Moni-ikä -project (2024–2026) promotes the equality of older people from the perspectives of language, culture, religion, and sexual and gender minorities. Together with our partners, we make visible the needs of ageing minorities and provide knowledge on how to meet these needs within services for older people.
Joyful Meetingplaces are open meeting points for the elderly. This work addresses loneliness, strengthens communality and provides meaningful content to everyday living for both the elderly and participating volunteers. The work format is aimed to our members.
What we do in VALLI – in English